
关于SDGs (About SDGs)

联合国永续发展目标(Sustainable Development Goals,简称SDGs)是联合国透过《2030年永续发展议程》所确定的17个目标,旨在解决全球性的环境、经济、社会问题,并提出具体的解决方案,为的是要贯彻联合国建立和平、安全、繁荣、公平世界的使命

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the 17 goals identified by the United Nations through the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which aim to address global environmental, economic, and social issues and propose concrete solutions in order to fulfill the United Nations' mission of building a peaceful, secure, prosperous, and equitable world.
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关于SDGs (About SDGs)

联合国于西元 2015 年通过 2030 永续发展议程,提出 17 项全球迈向永续发展的 核心目标,藉此引领政府、地方政府、企业、公民团体等行动者,在未来 15 年间的决策、投资与行动方向,共同创建「每个国家都实现持久、包容和永续的经济增长和每个 人都有合宜工作」的世界,一个得以永续的方式进行生产、消费和使用从空气到土地、 从河流、湖泊和地下水到海洋的各种自然资源的世界。

September 25, 2015 at the United Nations Headquarters (UN), world leaders formally endorse the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda as a global development agreement. Approximately 193 heads of state attended, including Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla also ratified the SDGs Agenda.With the theme “Changing Our World: Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development”, the SDGs which contain 17 Goals and 169 Targets are global action plans for the next 15 years (effective from 2016 to 2030), to end poverty, reduce inequality and protect the environment. SDGs apply to all countries (universal), so that all countries without exception developed countries have a moral obligation to achieve the goals and targets of the SDGs.