
Information Service M365 and Google Cloud Resources

Our school has applied for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace for Education to be used by faculty, staff, and students. Below is an introduction to each platform.

Important Notice:

The campus Google and Office 365 accounts provided by the school are for official communication and teaching support. Students should not bind their accounts to other platforms or games for specific purposes, as the accounts will be deleted one year after graduation, which could impact their intended use.

Microsoft 365 Cloud Platform Service Resources

Usage Instructions
  • ➤ Platform URL:https://www.office.com
  • ➤ Login Account: Full email address is required:Students: s11112345@o365.cyut.edu.tw,Faculty/Staff:t2099999@o365.cyut.edu.tw
  • ➤ Login Password: Faculty/Staff or Student Information System password
  • Email Configuration for Third-Party Desktop Clients
  • ➤ Incoming (POP3) server: outlook.office365.com Port: 995 (SSL)
  • ➤ Incoming (IMAP) server: outlook.office365.com Port: 993 (SSL)
  • ➤ Outgoing (SMTP) server: smtp.office365.com Port: 587 (STARTTLS)
  • ➤ Authentication Method: OAuth2/Modern Auth
Resources and Limitations
Space Allocation Outlook Onedrive Remarks
Current Students 3GB 5GB
Retained for 1 Year after Graduation 3GB 5GB ➤Office download version cannot be used during the retention period
Faculty/Staff 3GB 10 GB
Retired Faculty/Staff 50 MB Not Provided ➤Only email and calendar services are provided, other applications (Word, Excel, OneDrive, SharePoint, Office download version, etc.) are unavailable
Unit 3GB Not Provided ➤ If the unit email password is forgotten, it can be reset by the unit supervisor through the Faculty/Staff Information System
Club 3GB Not Provided ➤Only email and calendar services are provided, other applications (Word, Excel, OneDrive, SharePoint, Office download version, etc.) are unavailable
  • ➤ All faculty, staff, and students can use Copilot and the downloadable Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.) from M365 on desktop or laptop computers. Each person can install it on up to 5 devices, and once installed, users cannot downgrade to previous versions.
  • ➤ Teams meetings can host up to 1,000 participants at once, with a maximum meeting duration of 30 hours. Meeting recordings have a maximum length of 4 hours or 1.5 GB; upon reaching this limit, the recording will end and automatically restart.
  • ➤ Users cannot create websites, groups, communities, teams, or channels (including SharePoint, Teams, etc.). Please download and back up data stored on SharePoint group sites.
  • ➤ To ensure the effective transmission of school affairs information, the o365 email forwarding mechanism will automatically forward all official emails to the student’s registered external email. To modify the external email settings, log into the [Student Information System] → [Personal Information] → modify the [Email] field. Once completed, the system will automatically sync the settings to your Microsoft 365 email account.
  • ➤ When sending emails via Microsoft or Google email servers, you may encounter cases where the platform's email server IP is blacklisted by RBL organizations, causing recipient mail servers to reject the email. If the email bounce-back contains the "IP Block" keyword, please resend the email.
  • ➤ Due to Microsoft’s restrictions on capacity and account numbers, alumni accounts cannot be retained. Accounts are kept for 1 year after graduation, after which they are automatically deleted. Please download and back up your data during this period. The downloadable Office version will not be available during the retention period.

Google 雲端平台 Google Workspace for Education

Google Workspace for Education 提供之服務,包括 Gmail、日曆、Meet、文件、工作表、簡報、表單、Classroom 等。

  • ➤ 平台網址:https://accounts.google.com
  • ➤ 登入、變更密碼及電子郵件相關使用請參考圖資處網站 → 資訊服務 → 電子郵件
  • ➤ 其他相關使用方法請參考詳考圖資處網頁 → 相關下載 → 使用手冊
  • ➤ 若您 Google 帳號遭鎖定、停用或停權,您可自行於教職員資訊系統/學生資訊系統變更密碼,即可解除 Google 帳號停用狀態(離職教職員及校友皆適用)。
  • ➤ 建議您可於 Google 帳戶安全性設定,新增備援電話號碼及備援電子郵件,以利帳戶救援使用。
  • ➤ 若空間無法清除乾淨,請嘗試以下清除方式 :

    1. 建議清空雲端硬碟、相簿、郵件內檔案及郵件及各項垃圾桶。
    2. 清除應用程序佔據之空間,請至 Google 雲端硬碟 -> 點選右上角的齒輪 -> 設定 -> 管理應用程式 -> 選擇應用程式 -> 點選選項 ->「刪除隱藏的應用程式資料」(通常是「LINE」佔據空間)。


➤ 因應 Google Workspace 教育版於 2023 年 1 月 23 日後開始收費措施:

  • 🗸 教職員帳號容量變更為 15GB,在校學生容量變更為 3GB(含相片、檔案及郵件等)查詢容量使用請點選https://drive.google.com/settings/storage
  • 🗸 關閉 Google 之共用雲端硬碟空間服務。
  • 🗸 因 Google 對於容量及帳戶數量皆有限制,故無法保留畢業校友帳號,111 學年度起入學之學生畢業校友之 Google 帳戶,校畢業後保留 1 年,1 年後系統自動刪除,請於期間內自行下載備份。
  • 🗸 101~110 學年度入學之學生可申請 Google 校友帳號保留,申請後提供 Google 雲端空間 10MB 配額容量作為郵件轉信及登入其他網站使用。帳號保留期間,校方將定期檢視帳號使用狀況,請校友務必定期登入帳號,如帳號逾 365 日未有登入紀錄,將視為使用者已無此帳號使用需求,系統將定期刪除閒置不用之帳號。
  • 🗸 校外雲端資源會因為微軟或 Google 政策而有不同的使用空間或提供之服務異動,一切依平台提供之資源為主;學校亦有權利分配適當資源予各不同身分別帳號,若有異動將以該平台提供之 Email 為主要連絡信箱,使用者請定期收信或將信件轉至可連絡之信箱。
  • 🗸 請勿將學校提供之 Email(含校內外 Email,如 @cyut.edu.tw、@365.cyut.edu.tw 及 @gm.cyut.edu.tw)做為其他網站之登入帳號。
  • ➤ 依 Google 公告 2022 年 1 月 9 日以後, Google Meet 已不再免費提供錄製會議功能,有會議錄製或超過 100 人參與會議之需求,可使用 Microsoft Teams 或至教職員資訊系統 -> 應用程式選單 -> Google 付費帳號預約申請付費帳號。


Our school has applied for Microsoft Office 365 Education Cloud Services (for the domains cyut.edu.tw and o365.cyut.edu.tw) for use by all faculty, staff, and students. The stability, data accuracy, and data backup of this service are managed by Microsoft and are beyond our control. In case of service issues, our responsibilities are limited to managing accounts, allocating appropriate resources, and ensuring correct connections to internal school services. We cannot offer any service guarantees, technical support, or consulting. Users agreeing to use this service must comply with the agreements and regulations set by our school and Microsoft and regularly back up important data to reduce the risk of data loss due to service failures or personal errors.

Cloud resources may change in terms of space allocation or services provided due to Microsoft policies. All available resources are subject to the platform's provisions. The school also reserves the right to allocate resources and manage accounts (including suspension or deletion). If there are any changes, notifications will be sent via the platform's email. Users should regularly check or forward emails to a reachable email address.

During the use of this platform, any data or records stored by users may be stored in regions outside of the Republic of China. Users who have concerns about this should encrypt any personal confidential data before uploading it. Please refer to the Microsoft Service Agreement for further details.

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