Managing and coordinating comprehensive affairs in the reader services Section.
Planning reader services and Library spaces affairs.
Analyzing and evaluating reader services statistics report.
Chinese and Western books collection and promotion.
Library resource collection management.
Recruitment and management of love books in schools.
Building safety management and maintenance.
Monitoring system, access control management and maintenance.
Reference services and reference collection management.
Electronic resource promotion.
Inter-library cooperation and document delivery service.
Teacher-designated reference book service.
Off-campus volunteer management business.
Multimedia services and event promotion.
Leisure book management.
Po Ding exhibition related business.
Multimedia area management and maintenance.
Circulation business student management.
Electronic resource procurement.
E-book cataloging.
Electronic resource related system management and maintenance.
Subject guidance professor service related busines.
Circulation and reading services.
Cross-school borrowing service.
Automated system circulation module, reader file maintenance.
Library premises and equipment borrow related business.
iSpace area management.