
Information Service E-mail Services

E-mail account:

When each freshman enrolls in CYUT, an e-mail account is assigned. Every faculty and staff can apply for an e-mail account by filling out the application form with ID card as proof.

Faculty and staff Student Club Student
E-mail storage space 2GB 100MB X
Gmail no limits X no limits
Google drive no limits X no limits
E-mail account t + staff number
Account of application s + student number
E-mail address account@cyut.edu.tw account@cyut.edu.tw account@gm.cyut.edu.tw
Webmail Login webmail.cyut.edu.tw
webmail.cyut.edu.tw www.google.com

Servers for network service

Service Items IP address Remark
DNS and
MAIL pop3.cyut.edu.tw POP3,IMAP
MAIL smtp.cyut.edu.tw SMTP
WEBMAIL webmail.cyut.edu.tw For Staff
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